Day Two Hundred Four of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Persistent Dreams!

Dreams Die Hard – Especially the Persistent ones!

Dreams . . . dreams that are worth pursuing; dreams that possess potential to be life-altering; dreams that take up residence deep in one’s soul die hard. Sometimes they never die! They smolder and simmer. They bubble and boil. They rumble and roll. They keep one awake at night. They lift with anticipation. They drop with disappointment.

Dreams! They are what keep us going! They are what quicken our step! They are what keep us invested! They are what force us to focus! They are what engender hope! They are what create confusion! They are what they are . . . constant companions to those brave enough to entertain them!

Dreams . . . real dreams die hard . . . that is if they ever die at all!

  • What is YOUR dream? Write if down if you haven’t done so already. Share it with another person who will listen objectively and without judgement.
  • Where is it in process? Is it in the beginning stages? Has it become bogged down by life? Are you in the process of adjusting it?
  • When is the last time you visited it? Last year? Last month? Last week? Yesterday? Do you think about it and work with it daily?
  • When is the last time you nurtured it? What do you do to nurture your dream? How often do you reflect, review and renew your commitment to your dream?
  • When is the last time you talked to it! Yes . . . talked to it! Having an internal conversation WITH your dream can create points of insight. Treat your dream as if it were a real person. Ask it questions. Give it direction. Offer suggestions.
  • When it the last time you listened to it? Yes, if you talk to your dream, you must also be willing to listen to it as well. Listening to the answers your dream gives you can help you clarify and sharpen your focus. Your dream has much to say! Take time to listen!
  • When is the last time you sought to live it? Perhaps you are now and if so . . . good for you! If not, what keeps you from doing so? Fear? Uncertainty? Time? Influence from others? If you are not working to live your dream, what might happen if you started today? You never know until you begin!

When we approach our dream in the manner listed above we actually engage in the process of Building our dream – a very different process that merely dreaming our dream!

Join me in Dream Building, wontcha??? We just might change the world!


Mark E. Hundley


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