Day One Hundred Ninety-Four of 365 – Things That Inspire Me:Breathing

Breathing is great! Breathing is essential! Breathing, even stale smelling air, is better than the alternative! Breathing is life! And yet, there’s more to breathing than life. Intrigued? Read on!

Breathing can actually bring living to life! Confused? Hang on and maybe I can clarify this a bit.

Many of us choose to avoid living life – at least to the fullest it seems. Some of us choose to spend life cowering in the corner, staying away from challenge. Still others of us choose to reject life by acting in ways that cause people to stay away from us. Some even choose to make life hard on others by taking our venom out on our fellow-man.

Strange thing about the groups listed above is that any one of us can choose any one of the approaches mentioned. In fact, I believe that we all choose one of those paths occasionally. This is where breathing comes in . . .

Breathing covers a multitude of sins. Breathing can heal an inflamed heart or psyche. Breathing can change perspectives. Yes, breathing can do these things but not ALL types of breathing can accomplish these goals. You see, some breathing actually exacerbates the problems mentioned earlier. Shallow, upper lung breathing does very little to soothe the savage heart. Shallow, upper lung breathing actually elevates the heart rate, increases the sense of anxiety that we sometimes experience and feeds the fear that often comes out in angry outbursts. No, shallow, upper lung breathing should be avoided.

The kind of breathing that heals is the deep, belly breathing that forces one to slow down. It is the kind of breathing  that infuses the heart with calm. It is the kind of breathing that alters perspective. It is the kind of breathing that floods the brain with peace. It is the kind of breathing that brings Living to Life!

There are all kinds of YouTube videos on belly or diaphragm breathing techniques. There are breathing exercises that help you develop the healing habit of breathing deeply. Yoga can help you learn how to breathe. Take you pick, but find a way to learn how to Breathe properly! Once you begin breathing correctly you might begin experiencing some benefits. You will be reminded that you can . . .

  • Breathe instead of yelling
  • Breathe rather than cursing
  • Breathe instead of hitting
  • Breathe rather than panicking
  • Breathe instead of giving in
  • Breathe rather than giving up
  • Breathe instead of lashing out
  • Breathe rather than knuckling under
  • Breathe instead of running away
  • Breathe rather than shutting down

You see, Breathing, really Breathing brings Living to Life!

Now . . . Take a Deeeep Breath . . . and . . . Relax!


Mark E. Hundley


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