Day One Hundred Ninety-Three of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Loud Loving!

Alright, alright! I know where many of your minds went when you read the title of this post. Yep! Right to sex! If that’s the place to which your mind traveled, then you will be sorely disappointed and may want to search for something else to read. If you were simply interested and intrigued by the title, then I invite you to read on.

The world in which we live needs more “Loud Loving” to combat the often hate filled, hate infused rhetoric and actions that run rampantly throughout our societies.

About a year ago my daughter, Kacie Smith, posted a profound statement on FaceBook. She said and I quote, “We must love louder than we hate!” That statement so moved me that it became one on which I often focus when I need perspective.

Loving Louder than we Hate! What a concept! But we must examine some of the differences between Loud Loving and Loud Hating in order to Love Louder!

Loud Hating is a choice that . . .

  • Destroys peace
  • Undermines logic
  • Builds walls
  • Shuts down communication
  • Labels people
  • Closes doors
  • Seeks control over people
  • Segregates
  • Eliminates
  • Subjugates
  • Obliterates
  • Obfuscates
  • Kills
  • Stands against
  • Begins as cowardice

Loud Loving (also a choice)  is a choice that . . .

  • Connects people
  • Builds bridges
  • Practices inclusion
  • Invites diversity
  • Encourages dialogue
  • Opens doors
  • Stands for
  • Gives life
  • Includes
  • Clarifies
  • Creates
  • Seeks freedom for all
  • Values reason
  • Begins as courage

Loud Haters! We have more than enough of them! They hail from all walks of life. They populate every profession. They pass and enforce laws. They teach children. They run corporations. They preach from our pulpits. They are fathers and mothers and grandparents. They are coaches and soldiers and news commentators. They are everywhere . .  . and they are LOUD!

Funny thing . . . Loud Lovers come from every walk of life as well! They hold all the offices and positions of influence as those listed in the previous paragraph! They are everywhere as well and they are . . . well . . . sometimes not as LOUD as they need to be. WE are often not  as LOUD as we need to be! Sometimes we sit by watching the world go to Hell hoping that change will come. Guess what? In order for change to come, WE must LOVE it into being and we must do so LOUDLY! It takes courage but I believe we can do it!

How about you? Are you a Loud Lover? If so, I challenge you to Love Louder than you hate!

Thanks, Kacie!


Mark E. Hundley



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