Day One Hundred Eighty-Five of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Silence

Words! Sometimes I have too many for my own good or the good of others. I often use words when silence is the better option.

Silence is vastly underrated. Silence is power! Silence direction! Silence is illumination!

Silence is . . . difficult! Perhaps that is the reason there is so little of it. Perhaps that is the reason we shy away from it so often!

What can silence do for us? Well, silence can:

  • Reveal secrets
  • Calm nerves
  • Enlighten perspectives
  • Create ideas
  • Open doors
  • Provide direction
  • Expose faulty thinking
  • Generate insight
  • Encourage action
  • Bestow wisdom
  • Sharpen focus

By taking time to visit silence, we can understand how to live more purposefully. There is great wisdom in the phrase, “Be still (silent) and Know . . .”

Peace and . . . Silence!

Mark E. Hundley


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