Day One Hundred Seventy-Four of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Work Over Worry!

Work! Don’t Worry!

Many years ago when a job for which I was hired – a job that I had already settled into – suddenly became less sure, I was close to scared! (Okay, I admit it! I really WAS scared – scared that the job would be pulled out from under me!) I found myself fretting over whether or not I would be in that position the next day, the next week, the next month! It was a little unnerving!

I will always remember my boss stopping by and leaning into the doorway of my office on the day we found out the job was in jeopardy! I looked up at him expecting him to dispense the bad news. He only smiled and said, “Mark! Work! Don’t Worry!” With that he turned and walked away!

I pondered his words only for a moment and then returned my attention to the tasks at hand. “Work! Don’t Worry!” Those words gave me peace; direction; a sense of control! I worked there for seven years and never once worried again that the job would go away!

Work . . .  Wins . . . Wins . . .  Over . . .  Worry . . .  Everytime!

Worry deflates; defeats; deafens; distracts; drags down!

Work engages; energizes; encourages; embraces!

Today! Right where you are! Whatever challenge you are facing  . . . “Work! Don’t Worry!”


Mark E. Hundley


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