Day One Hundred Sixty-Two of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Flipping the Switch!

As part of my 365 day personal writing challenge in which I will write something on this site every day for the entire year of 2017, I’ve discovered that writing about short series topics helps me focus. I’ve been writing about Things That Bug Me. Today, I am switching gears. Today I begin a new series about Things That Inspire Me!

What is the First Thing that Inspires Me? Flipping the Switch! Read on . . .

Turning something on; starting something up; turning something off; shutting something down; recording something of importance! What do all of these things have in common? Well, in one way or another they require that someone “flip a switch” – manually, verbally, electronically – some action has to be taken!

In order for us to change attitudes or alter perspectives or create opportunities or shift directions we must take action! We must “Flip the Switch!”

What ideas, initiatives, projects, changes in attitude or actions of importance are waiting for you to flip the switch? Remember, more often than not, the responsibility is ours! So today . . . whatever requires your attention . . . flip that switch! It won’t flip itself!


Mark E. Hundley


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