Day One Hundred Sixty of 365 – Things That Bug Me: Rejection!

Rejection! I don’t like it! It really bugs me! I’m guessing it bugs you as well; however, it is something with which we all must deal from time to time.

This is a tough one! Rejection! Ouch! The sting of rejection tends to condition us to shy away from asking questions; asking for favors; asking for support; asking for guidance; asking for . . . well almost anything!

In The Aladdin Factor, a great book by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, I discovered a formula that encourages one to keep on asking no matter what. It goes like this: “SW. SW. SW? SW!” Translated it means, “Some Will. Some Won’t. So What? Someone’s Waiting!”

That last “SW,” if we could embed that firmly into our resolve, could literally change our lives! Someone’s Waiting! Someone’s WAITING! For you . . . for me . . . for each of us to ask that question; to present that idea; to make that suggestion; to offer that service!

It really doesn’t matter how many rejections we get because Someone is Waiting for us to ask! Each Rejection moves us one step closer to the one we need to meet!

In the New Testament there is a familiar verse that refers to Asking, Seeking and Knocking. Funny thing about the grammatical construction of that phrase . . . It literally means for us to “Ask and keep on Asking; Seek and keep on Seeking; Knock and keep on Knocking!”

Rejection is a common life experience. I wonder what might happen if we took rejection less personally? I know that is a tough task; however, one that could lead to greater personal understanding and direction.

May we all learn to invite Rejection to serve as a motivator rather than a terminator!


Mark E. Hundley


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