Day One Hundred Fifty-Nine of 365 – Things That Bug Me: Dreams!

Dreams bug me! They just plain do! I’m not talking about the kind that may be termed good, bad or nightmares. I’m talking about the kind of dreams that keep us awake. The kind that haunt us at times. The kind that are born of passion. The kind that we wish to realize!

The main reason dreams bug me is because I don’t always know what to do with them.

What are the most common phrases you hear or read in relation to your dreams? Chase your dreams? Follow your dreams? Pursue your dreams? Live your dreams?

Yep! Those are the ones I hear most often as well! That is until this past weekend!

A dear friend of mine sent me an email in response to my comment that he was chasing his dreams. His response? Simple, powerful and profound. He said. “Not Chasing them! Riding them!”

Wow! I had never heard that one before! Being a Texas cowboy that one really resonated with me! Forget chasing or following or pursuing or living them! RIDE ’em! Get on those dreams and ride ’em for all they are worth!

So folks, what say we all go about the business or roping those dreams and then riding them! Sounds like a plan to me! I’m gonna give it a shot and maybe my dreams won’t bug me so much anymore!


Mark E. Hundley


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