Day One Hundred Forty-Two of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: Thoughts About Creation!

I am fascinated by the various Creation myths from around the world. Woven into the fabric of every civilization are stories about how the world and life began. Most of the ones with which I am familiar tend to treat Creation as a static event – a point that defines the beginning of everything.

I know that was the way it was for me growing up. In fact, one of my favorite poems was written by James Weldon Johnson entitled “The Creation.” We owned a riveting recording of the poem that I practically wore out while listening.

As fascinating as the stories, myths and recordings might be, I now believe that most of them stopped too soon in describing the process.

“Creation is ongoing” so say the Lakota people! Creation, therefore is a process and not some nebulous point in time when all things came into being! I think I really like that sentiment. I believe that it more accurately reflects the nature of Creation.

You see, you and I participate in the process of Creation every day we walk the surface of this Rock! We create through our beliefs; our thoughts; our words; our actions!

We create context. We create dreams. We create goals. We create expectations. We create meaning. We create . . . well, we create all the time. The challenge of our participation in the process of Creation lies in the quality of what we create!

I don’t know about you but I want to be mindful of the way I fulfill my responsibilities in this Partnership. I want to do my best to create that which heals and motivates and cultivates and enlightens and encourages and frees.

May you find your place in this process of Creation as well!


Mark E. Hundley


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