Day One Hundred Thirty-Four of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: Solutions to Problems!

Solutions to Problems! That’s what modern day Christian Faith promises! We all have ’em (problems that is) and, believe it or not, we have solutions to those problems as well. Many proponents of modern Christianity tout the Faith as some sort of magic show. Some sort of mystical pathway to problem-free living. When a person has a life problem, many of the modern Faith (those who pretend to have no problems because of their superior faith), slowly shake their heads in mock sympathy for the one experiencing challenge. “If only your faith were strong enough . . .” (Deep sigh!)

This is how I grew up. Problems were only companions of those whose faith was “less than.” The message was that the stronger the faith, the fewer the problems. And yet . . . problems are part and parcel of living on this rock! Everyone has them! Eliminating (or pretending to eliminate them) is just smoke and mirrors. The test of real Faith is the internal resolve and power it provides adherents to move through life difficulties.

We all have at least one problem staring us in the face right now! If not, just hang around and one will arrive with your name on it! I guarantee it! As I have grown older (and hopefully wiser), I have discovered that Faith and Problems go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other. 

Now, back to that problem that you face right now. Remember that one? Yes, that’s it . . . pay attention to what comes next!

I would like to share a solution to that problem you face – a solution likely to lead to an answer and I don’t even have to know the nature or the problem! Interested?

Here it is: The Sioux people have a proverb that states, “Love yourself; get outside yourself and take action. Focus on the solution; be at peace!” All too often, we focus on the problem and miss the obvious. Faith focuses on solutions and solutions are more readily available than we might think. Once again, I share the Sioux Proverb:

  • Love yourself.
  • Get outside yourself.
  • Take action.
  • Focus on the solutions.
  • Be at peace.

Five simple steps! Nuff said!


Mark E. Hundley


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