Day One Hundred Twenty-Seven – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: From Out of the Night, Part 2!

Standing under the stars that pleasant, predawn summer morning  after being awakened by my youngest grandson, I was reminded of two phenomena that disturb my soul greatly. The first had to do with the desire for control and how the need to control runs counter to the expression of true spirituality. Spirituality seeks the practical. It seeks service to all. It seeks peace. It seeks understanding. It seeks freedom. It seeks the best for everyone – not just a select few. This kind of spirituality shuns the idolatrous pursuit of control.

The second phenomenon that causes me consternation is the is that of whining – especially whining draped in false spirituality.

I recall when growing up how I was exposed to the whining of false spirituality. It seems that many of the Christians with whom I spent my time defined themselves as misunderstood and mistreated. So many worked to create scenarios where imagined persecution produced meaning for their version of faith. Being a good Bapticostal, I chimed right in! The indoctrination was effective. I found ways to direct my energy toward creating opportunities for “non-Christians” to reject me and my faith and then . . . Whine about it!

I would say that perhaps our society is to blame; however, I think I may be wrong. I am thinking that maybe, just maybe some rather influential groups of Christians mastered the art of whining to the degree that society has become infected by this form of spirituality. Following are some thoughts about this turn of events.

Here in our great country, we have become a nation of whiners! Now don’t go getting offended on me here! If you’re not a whiner, don’t worry about it! This is not for you and you are welcome to read something else! But I dare say that most of us in this country are whiners  I know that I do my fair share from time to time! You don’t believe that we are whiners? Take a little time to tally the number of times in one day whining takes place in your own home –  I dare you! Your place of work! Your school! Your church! Your son’s or daughter’s sports team! Your bridge club! Your social circle! I dare you! I truly think you would be amazed at just how much whining we do in our country!

I am not saying that ours is the only country to experience the whining phenomenon! It appears to be a truly unique human characteristic and it happens all over the world – especially the more affluent a group becomes. We whine about everything under the sun! And for what? What changes does this activity bring about? Scant few for sure!

Please note that I understand that there are people of all faiths in our country to which the following does not apply. For you, please speak to the rest of us; remind us; teach us; lead the rest of us with your powerful example so that we might do a better job of difference making in our world!

It really doesn’t matter what faith or persuasion – every one of them whines from time to time! And for what? You name it! Our religious institutions spend more time whining than actually acting to better the human condition! I often hear Christian churches and groups vehemently whine about persecution of Christians in this country! REALLY? PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS? IN THIS COUNTRY?  Come on now! Get real! I am not one sitting on the sidelines unfamiliar with church or religion or spirituality – I was in the full-time ministry for 13 years of my professional career and was a PK most of my life! I hear Christians constantly bemoan the persecution they suffer in THIS country and I am astonished at the audacity of such claims! To hear them tell it, the world is infected and it is intent on infecting all Christians. Further, they perpetuate the belief that the doctors need to stay in the hospital so as not to be infected themselves – can’t step outside the confines of their secure surroundings and administer caring, compassion or healing – no sir! Might get infected! Instead, they build mega-monuments to themselves and their ability to stir like-minded people up enough so that their church becomes a giant social club perpetuating a type of myopic spirituality that has become the norm more often than not in our country today.

There is a verse in Matthew 5:13 that says, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it me made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” Those are strong words! I have often said of this verse, “What good is salt if it stays in the cabinet? Put in on the table and use it generously!” If our churches and Christians are the salt of the earth, let them be SALT! Take the wrapping off the package and get about the business of being salty – and I don’t mean obnoxious, overbearing or pushy as many who would seek to impose their brand of belief on others and then whine when they are rejected.

I may exaggerate some here – maybe not!  However if I do so, it is intended to get your attention – to perhaps rile you a bit – to get you to thinking –  to challenge you to ask yourself some hard questions.

Our world is experiencing one of the worst collective “mean times” in history! Our situation calls on all of us to think, feel, believe and act differently!  Please, PLEASE consider stepping outside your comfort zone more often than you do now – and I am convinced that MANY of you out there do so already. Positive changes would not be taking place if it were not the case. However; our world needs more of us to truly be different!

So . . . whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or any other faith, please stop whining and start . . . doing! Make a difference! Be the salt! Be the light! Be what you proclaim! Step Out of the Night and into the Light – the light of making a difference, period!


Mark E. Hundley



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