Day One Hundred Seventeen of 365 – Living Above Our Demons

The movie, Dr. Strange contains a quote I find deeply curious. It goes like this: “We never lose our demons . . . We only learn to live above them.” 

I grew up in a religious system that focused on demons being evil, dastardly beings who are fallen angels. I was taught that they could oppress, harass, deceive and even possess unsuspecting humans. I was taught that demons were ugly, mean, vicious creatures and the images conjured by those descriptions literally scared me to wakefulness! I often found it difficult to sleep thinking about those malevolent beings!

One of my favorite books from one of my favorite authors – The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis – outlines a series of letters written by Screwtape, a senior demon and Wormwood a junior tempter and his nephew. Screwtape served as mentor and teacher for Wormwood, teaching and encouraging him find ways to squeeze into the minds, hearts and spirits of human beings.  I love the satirical nature of the book as well as the insight it provides into human nature. The images created by this work are much less hideous and visibly sinister than those from my early days in the Faith.

Enter now, Dr. Strange. I refer back to the quote mentioned earlier – “We never lose our demons . . . we only learn to live above them.” This quote intrigues me because it conjures an even more insidious and frightening picture of the relationship between humans and our collective demon companions. The quote seems to state that we really never lose them, that we simply learn to live above them. What is scary about this you ask? Much, my friends . . . Much!

What it tells me is that our demons are much more passive than we give them credit for being. It tells me that they lurk and hang around waiting to be called into action. And how are they called into action? By OUR actions, of course!

What I mean is this: If all we can hope to do is live above our demons then all that is necessary to employ and embody their power is for us to simply step down into them. When we choose to step down into our demons, then and only then do we grant them life, limb and mind. The more we visit them, the more comfortable we become. The more we step into their lair, the more our character morphs. The more we move within their lure, the less like the One we become in whose image we are made. We become possessed – not against our will but as a result of our willful choices.

When we step down and into our demons these things follow:

  • Hate obscures love.
  • Deception chokes out honesty.
  • Hubris replaces humility.
  • Control eliminates freedom.
  • Destruction usurps creativity.
  • Fiction eclipses Fact.

I could go on but I won’t. Suffice to say that when we give feet, hands, heart, head and body to our demons, the world in which we live loses its appeal.

What is the answer? It is quite simple. Stay Living Above Our Demons. Recognize that they exist. Embrace their reality. Understand their appeal. Ignore their lure. Avoid stepping down into them.

I believe that as we  practice choosing the high road, we can become better people. We can establish more meaningful relationships. We can create a lives worth living.


Mark E. Hundley


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