Day One Hundred Ten of 365 – Faith, Beliefs and Values, Part Two

We all operate from a Spiritual Core of some sort whether it is comprised of our Faith, a set of foundational beliefs about life or a set of values that help define what is important in life. This particular Support System serves as a governor of sorts that works to ensure that we are living in concert with that which creates meaning for us. As we contemplate the creation of a Dream Statement and the development of a Life Plan it is important for us to understand the necessity of using this Support System as a Primary Filter.

In order for us to Live Outside the Box we must make sure that our Dreams and Plans are consistent with our Core! Whenever we work on a Dream Statement we must run it through the Filter of our Faith, Beliefs and/or Values. If there are inconsistencies between the two our first level of examination is to look at our Dream Statement and make adjustments accordingly. Sometimes the process reveals a flaw in our Core. When that happens we must re-examine our Core and make adjustments there. Once the Core is more secure we can go back to the creation process.

A discordant relationship between our Core and our Dream Statement is a rare occurrence; however, there are times that this may be the case. When this does happen we simply pause in the process, work to reconcile the two and then continue. This filtering work serves to strengthen both our Core and make our Dream Building success more likely!

Go back and reflect on the beliefs and/or values you wrote yesterday. Now, as you re-read your preliminary Dream Statement, compare it with your Core to see that they are consistent. If you see any disconnects, make adjustments at this time.

Reflect on how your Faith, Beliefs and/or Values are expressed in your Dream Statement.

  • What new insights did you gain?
  • What beliefs or values were reinforced?
  • Were there any alterations that were necessary?

Happy Creating!


Mark E. Hundley


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