Day One Hundred Five of 365 – Life Can Be Good, Part 1

I have been writing and will continue for the several days, to write about Nine Steps to Success. I have already outlined Four Givens in life that point to realities all of us experience. The operative idea related to facing these Four Givens is found in the ways in which we face them. Instead of working to control, minimize or alter those realities, the best approach is spending appropriate time embracing those realities when they come and then looking for ways to engage in activities/directions that provide us with purposeful movement forward.

Today, I want to introduce you to Possibility Thinking. Over the next two days, I will address how Life Can Be Good. Today is Part One.

We all need bits of inspiration from time to time to keep us focused on life’s possibilities – to believe that Life CAN Be Good! Without them, we often teeter on the edge of believing that life will always be a downer – especially when we find ourselves in the middle of one!

Life CAN Be Good! The sing posts are everywhere! In the Bible and other sacred texts, in poetry, in Nature, in music, in art, in dance, in books – EVERYWHERE! We routinely must make conscious choices to find and pay attention to those sign posts. Unless we determine to become more mindful about our daily living, the likelihood of missing these signposts increases exponentially!

What kind of life would you like to have? What would that life include? You might say, “Come on Mark! Everyone wants more money! More money would solve everything!” Would it? Would more money be at the top of your list? I know lots of people for whom more money would find its place somewhere near the middle or not on the list at all. For many, security, peace, comfort, love connectedness, accomplishment or service to others would rank far above more money!

The challenge today in Part One of this post is to start a list of words -Dream Words – that reflect what a Good Life would be for you! We will use this list tomorrow to create a Dream Statement. You don’t have to write phrases or sentences right now, just words. What words best fit your concept of a Good Life? Open you mind and allow them to flow!

We’ll attack Part Two tomorrow!


Mark E. Hundley



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