Day Ninety-Four of 365 – That Still Small Voice

That still, small voice. We all know it. Some know it better than others but we all know it.  It may be described in many ways – a nagging; a gut feeling; instinctual; spontaneous; a hunch; that quiet voice. These are just a few of the words/phrases we use when referring to intuition. Some refer to that still, small internal voice as God or the Holy Spirit. Others believe that that intuitive voice is actually our inner self speaking from a platform deep within our psyche. Whatever your perspective, that intuitive, still, small voice carries a lot of weight.

I imagine that most of us have stories we could share that describe times we have either listened to or failed to pay attention to our intuition. Sometimes when in the midst of trauma, that intuitive voice provides guidance, strength, direction and courage. When we listen in these times of severe distress we often find ourselves tapping internal resiliency that helps us move through the situation and emerge stronger or clearer about what comes next. There are other times when we have failed to heed the promptings of our intuition and made decisions that took us down less desirable paths.

We all have intuitive abilities. Some have worked to consciously develop those abilities while others stumble through the intuitive world randomly experiencing the benefits associated with that voice. The reality is that we all have the ability to nurture our awareness of and sensitivity to intuition.

Here are a few thoughts on how we might nurture that still small voice:

  • Carve out periods of quiet throughout the day and clear your mind of distractions.
  • Focus on taking deep, cleansing breaths as you clear your mind.
  • Pay attention to words, thoughts or images that cross your mind in the process.
  • Write down your thoughts, ideas or impressions after such sessions.
  • Before going to sleep, ask yourself questions that need answers. Be ready to write down answers and thoughts that come when you wake.
  • Practice acting on your “hunches.” Begin with situations that are relatively minor in nature. This practice can help  you build awareness of and confidence in that intuitive voice.
  • Make first choices based on what that voice tells you – another way to build confidence in the power of your intuition.
  • Share your journey with a trusted friend. You will discover patterns in your intuitive life that can serve to further strengthen that still small voice.

These are just a few of my thoughts. I would love to hear some of your experiences with That Still Small Voice.


Mark E. Hundley



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