Five Steps to a Meaningful Holiday Season

Here We Go Again!

Yes, we find ourselves in the midst of yet another Holiday Season ~ complete
with all the reminders (as if we needed any) that the Season should be filled
with joy, laughter, gifts, family, friends, gifts, parties, lights, gifts,
food, festivities and . . . did I mention, GIFTS?  Yes we are in the thick
of things right now ~ have been for quite a while come to think of it!  It
seems that November 1 ushered in all the Holiday commercials on tv, swiftly
swept off the shelves all the Halloween trappings, filled the aisles of stores
with all manner of gadgets and decorations and focused our attention on the
anticipated spending of the upcoming Season.  Ah, Holidays in America!
There is a part of me that longs for a Holiday
I’ve never had ~ one that is simple, pure and unadulterated.

As much as I might like for the Holiday Machine to grasp the bigger picture
and help create a focus that invites more meaningful connections, I’m afraid
that the Jingle Bell Juggernaut is rather myopic and incapable of such a
change.  What’s a person to do?  Well, I’m glad you asked because
I’ve been thinking about that very question and have a few suggestions to share.

Read Mine, Add Your Own!

Recently, I found myself as a guest on a radio show addressing ways to deal
with Holiday stress and grief.  In an
effort to provide some perspective to a time of year that can create great
distress, I came up with Five Steps to a Meaningful Holiday Season.  I
encourage you to read mine and then add your own if you wish.  Here they

  1. Slow Down ~ All
    too often we find ourselves swept up in the tyranny of frenetic activity
    without real purpose.  My encouragement here is to slow down.
    Take time to just “Be” rather than “Do!”  After
    all, aren’t we known as Human Beings?  I fear that sometimes we
    engage in activity simply because of outside expectations, thus becoming
    Human Doings!  Slowing down is a conscious choice ~ a choice to make
    the time necessary to feel, share with others and when necessary seek
    appropriate support.  We can never run away from our struggles or
    issues.  They are along for the ride or wait patiently for us at the
    end of our running.  I find that slowing down actually allows me time
    to face myself and realize that I am not alone and that I have the
    capacity to enjoy the moment without filling it with unnecessary, oft
    times meaningless activity.  My all-time favorite C.S. Lewis quote
    comes to mind here: “The Present is the Point at which Time touches
    Eternity.”  Slowing Down may actually allow us to fill our
    present moments with eternally significant actions.
  2. Retreat ~ What
    I mean here is that we need to make time for reflection, remembering and
    renewal.  Great power awaits us if we will spend some time looking
    backward before moving ahead with our lives.  The Holiday Season is a
    perfect time to pause for such retreat.  Often, we must learn to step
    back a bit in order to move forward more effectively with purpose and
    passion.  Retreating can open the door for us to determine the
    Rituals of Meaning in our lives that we wish to continue and/or create
    that incorporate components of our past, present and anticipated
    future.  I challenge you to sit down with a cup of hot chocolate, a
    pen, a pad and your thoughts.  Retreat ~ step away from where you are
    to times where you have been ~ reflect, recall and renew.  You’ll be
    glad you did.
  3. Plan With Flexibility ~
    One thing is a given during the Holiday Season – not everything will go as
    planned!  Count on it!  You know what I mean!  Can you
    actually remember a year when EVERYTHING went according to plan?  I
    encourage you to anticipate and prepare for the unexpected.  Work at
    not being surprised when all is not “perfect” or something goes
    “wrong.”  Often the best gifts are those experiences that
    come from out of the blue!  Work at embracing the unexpected.
    Be open to different activities or locations for your celebrations.
    Invite serendipity to your home this year.  You just might be amazed!
  4. Take Care of Yourself ~
    Often when the Holidays arrive, we give ourselves permission to either
    partially or wholly abandon common sense when it comes to our health –
    both physical and emotional.  I encourage you to approach this
    Holiday Season with your head squarely on your shoulders.  Eat
    wisely, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, exercise (even a short
    walk can be helpful) and above all, maintain established medical
    routines.  Do you find yourself engaging in activities with which you
    are uncomfortable or that create anxiety or distress?  It is likely
    that an exercise in setting boundaries is necessary.  Determine
    before your gatherings what you will and/or won’t do.  The activities
    with which you are comfortable and those with which you are not.
    Taking care of yourself creates opportunities for you to be more yourself
    and more present for what is important.
  5. Simplify ~ You
    know what I mean!  What’s the point of going overboard with the
    gift-giving?  What do we get out of going deeper into debt to shower
    others with things that may or may not survive the next six months or may
    find their way into the “re-gifting pile” for next year?
    Perhaps it is time to scale back a bit.  Focus more on
    relationships.  Aim for moderation in our gift-giving.  Re-think
    our gift-giving strategies and give with meaning thinking of the person
    who is the recipient.  Why not look for ways to support favorite
    charities during this Season?  God knows there are charities out
    there that do wonderful work year round that could use a shot in the
    arm.  (I have a bit more to say about this shortly)

I’m hopeful that you have found encouragement to approach the Holiday Season
in ways that create comfort and joy rather than perpetuate that which often
causes distress.  I am hopeful that you will step up to the challenge to
make this Holiday Season Meaningful!

An Idea For You

Give One, Ask Ten!

A Little Math


Anyone who knows me knows
that the math I use must indeed be “little” in order for it to make sense to
me!  That being the case I want to share a little multiplication with
you.  As you know, I am committed to raising One Million Dollars for the
Journey of Hope Grief Support Center, One Dollar at a Time, One Person at a
Time!  What does that really look like?  Follow me here:


If 100 people would
donate just one dollar a person to the Journey of Hope, that would be $100!
Simple enough, right?  Well, what if each of those 100 people asked just
ten of their friends to do the same – donate just one dollar? That would be an
additional $1,000!  Wow! $100 just grew to $1100 in a jiffy!  Let’s
keep going!  What if those new 1000 people each asked just ten of THEIR
friends to donate a dollar a person and they did?  That would create an
additional $10,000 bringing the grand total to $11,100!  Pretty cool,
huh?  OK, let’s continue.  Suppose those new 10,000 folks each asked
just ten of THEIR friends to donate just one dollar and they did?  The
total number of folks involved would be an additional 100,000 people and an
additional $100,000 for a total of $111,100.  Hmmmm!  This is getting


Now suppose that
those 100,000 new donors each asked just ten of their friends to donate just
one dollar and they did. At that point, the total number of new participants
would be ONE MILLION!  And the total amount donated would be ONE MILLION
DOLLARS added to the $111,100 already given!  The goal would have been
exceeded!  All of this accomplished in just five generations of people! We
could raise $1Million in a relative heartbeat! Amazing!


All it takes is for
one hundred people to commit to giving one dollar a piece and asking ten of
their friends to duplicate the process of giving one and asking ten!
Think about it won’t you?

In order to donate directly to the One in a
Million campaign, please visit the following Journey of Hope website and click
on the “One in a Million” fund raiser link.  Fill in “Give One, Ask Ten”
in the “Donation for Special Occasion” space. 

The fun part of this exercise is that you can do the same for YOUR favorite
charity!  Employ the power of the dollar!  Expand the reach of your
influence!  Embrace the joy of giving!

Thank you for being you!

Until next time . . . Peace!


Copyright Mark E. Hundley 2009



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