Day Forty-One of 365 – “No Overnight Success Stories!”

Continuing with my commentary on the conversation between the Skin Horse and the Velveteen Rabbit  about what it takes to be Real, I point you to another enigmatic phrase from The Velveteen Rabbit by Marjorie Williams.

As the two protagonists in the story discuss the finer points of becoming Real, the Rabbit asks, “Does it happen all at once like being wound up? Or bit by bit?” Great question don’t you think? From that perspective, one might believe that it was written or asked today. The question smacks of an impatient product of this modern age. I can almost hear the Rabbit thinking, “Gosh, if becoming Real happens quickly, then I won’t mind at all!” You know, push a button, turn a knob, flip a switch . . . Let’s do this thing quickly! I don’t have all day!

The Skin Horse’s reply sets the stage for some heavy contemplation. He says, “It doesn’t happen all at once. You Become! It takes a long time!” Bummer! No wonder the little bunny was discouraged.  This line of reasoning reiterates an earlier statement when the Skin Horse points out that Real isn’t how one is made. Real is something that happens to you. Here he states this truth in a slightly different way. Real does not happen all at once. We have to Become Real and it takes a long time.

Now, I’ll not spoil what comes next . . . that’s three more days of writing. I will, however, comment on the Becoming and the Long Time parts of this formula.

Becoming is lot like what happens to a caterpillar when the metamorphosis occurs in the chrysalis. It takes work that is often completed in private moments of reflection that follow challenging life experiences that don’t go our way. Becoming is the process of slowly uncovering the innate potential we all possess that creates personal character and resolve. This kind of Becoming is never instant. It is never easy. It is never automatic. And . . . IT    TAKES    A    LONG    TIME! Period!

A dear friend of mine who has experienced tremendous success in the entertainment business once said early on in his professional career, “I am a twenty year, overnight success story!”  He knows what it takes to be Real! He has lived it! It took him twenty years to find that special place on life’s stage. What everyone else sees appears to have been easy; however, it was not. It took time and he BECAME!

So, if you want to know what being Real is all about, get ready because Real:

  • Doesn’t Happen All At Once
  • You Become
  • It Takes A Long Time

There you have it! The outline for Realness! The next question is, “Does it happen to everyone?” That question will be addressed in the next three installments. For now . . . pack for the trip and enjoy your journey!


Mark E. Hundley

Please visit my Amazon Author Page to find out more about my books and short fiction. Thanks!


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