Day Thirty-Eight of 365 – Hover Over the Chaos

The world is an extremely chaotic place. All manner of natural and man-made disasters threaten our very existence on a daily basis. On smaller scales, personal chaos threatens our well-being and sanity routinely. If our own periodic personal chaos were not enough, we are often caught up in the chaos others create as they move through the world. Without taking time to fully examine and analyze our surroundings, one might believe that chaos rules!

Chaos, as unpleasant and unsettling as it can be, is a necessary part of life. Without chaos, our sense and understanding of order would be absent. Without chaos, creativity might be non-existent. Without chaos. light would be meaningless. Chaos is a necessary evil. The challenge we face is to engage chaos without being consumed by it. How do we do this? We Hover!

Various Creation accounts paint the picture of a wise and benevolent Creator hovering over the chaos of what would become the world as we know it. Chaos is often void and without form; however, it generates extreme power. Unchecked, this power can destroy. Inserting purposeful action into the chaos at appropriate times can harness some of that unfocused  power and turn it into a creative force. We must learn to “hover over the chaos” of self and others in order to truly make a difference.

Hovering over the chaos requires patience, observation, sensitivity, courage and timing. We must avoid jumping into the middle of every chaotic event that comes along lest we become mired in the confusion. We must teach ourselves to hover, observe and then take action when the time is right. As we learn to master this skill, the world in which we live may just become a bit less chaotic and more peaceful.



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