Day Twenty-Seven of 365 – The Present

Author’s note: I wrote this yesterday (the 27th) but was unable to publish it due to some sort of glitch in this publishing platform. I was frustrated because I thought I had lost my string of days, then I realized that my commitment was to WRITE for 365 days in a row, not necessarily publish. That being said, I have kept my word to me and since I am now able to publish what I wrote yesterday, I hope you’ll enjoy. It is a rather short post. Be looking for today’s later . . . Hmmm!

My all-time favorite quote from anyone anywhere comes from the mind and pen of C. S. Lewis. In his book, The Screwtape Letters, Mr. Lewis said, ‘The Present is the Point at which Time touches Eternity.” (capitalized emphasis, mine)

Perhaps you can see what makes this my all-time favorite quote. The Present is the Point! The Present is the only Time in which we can live! Being mindful of the Present allows us to focus our energy where it is best used! The Present – right now – is all we really have.

Focusing too much attention on the past can create  sadness and depression (we are unable to change what has happened). Focusing too much attention on the future can create anxiety (we are not in tomorrow yet). The Present is the only living space where we can make a difference. Everything that has any Eternal Significance will happen in all of our “Presents” and never in our yesterdays or tomorrows.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to ponder Mr. Lewis’s words. Just ten small words that carry a powerful encouragement and lesson. Today I am hopeful that you begin to discover that “The Present IS the Point!”


Mark E. Hundley

I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page for information about my books and short fiction. Thanks!


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