Day Twenty-Six of 365 – The Unexpected

The Unexpected! More often than not, contemplating the unexpected carries feelings of dread and fear. Without thought, we tend toward the belief that anything out of the blue carries disruptive news. Now I know this is not always the case. Sometimes the unexpected carries very positive outcomes; however, most of the time we equate negativity with the unexpected.

The key to dealing with the Unexpected is to expect it! Life is full of twists and turns. The unexpected is part and parcel of our very existence.  All we have to do in order to avoid being completely blindsided by it is to employ the choice of realistic expectation. We must embrace the fact that change is inevitable and that change often comes draped in the unexpected! The unexpected can change our lives!

The unexpected is like a two-sided coin. It carries both positive and negative weight. One kind of unexpected without the other tends to produce unspendable coinage. It becomes worthless. The yin and yang of the unexpected creates a tangible tension in life that gives it its meaning.

The unexpected is full of contradictions! The unexpected is intended to surprise! The unexpected is true to its nature! The unexpected IS!

What might happen if we were to begin working toward expecting the unexpected and cease being surprised that it comes? What nuggets of wisdom might we gather? What opportunities might we pursue? What insight might we gain?

Expect the unexpected and learn to live more fully!


Mark E. Hundley

Visit my Amazon Author Page for more information about my boods and short fiction. Thanks!


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