Day Nineteen of 365 – The Start of Something New, Pt. 2

Author’s Note: As part of my personal quest to publish one bit of writing per day for a whole year, I’ve decided to start something new. I’ve decided to mix in parts of a short story that I will add to from time to time. I won’t write end-on-end segments each day until it is complete, but will add a segment periodically as “the spirit moves me.” Ultimately, I will have a complete story – rather raw and uncut – but complete nonetheless. Following is the second segment. I hope you enjoy.


Stepping Into the Shadow

My head spun as if I had exited a twirling amusement park ride. I stumbled over chairs and bumped into tables as I sought to make sense of what I had witnessed. At first, I worked to avoid touching the human mannequins that littered the small bar. I thought that they might break or shatter if jostled. I especially sought to avoid “her!”

I didn’t even know her name! I had no idea who she was. All I knew was that before the “thing” happened that caused the fire to  flicker out of her eyes, I had felt more alive than I had in months. Her gaze ignited something in me that I thought was long gone – dead! She fanned into flame hope for a future that I thought had left me behind. And then . . . it all stopped. No warning. No explanation. Everything just ceased! The hollowness reflected in the cold eyes of the human statues caused my blood to chill.

I found my way to an empty chair next to a small, round table and sat. I buried my head in my hands and wept. I had no idea from where my sense of desolation came but it was deep – immense! I’m not sure how long my tears flowed but they finally stopped. I was exhausted! As much as I wanted to exit that small bar, I feared what I might find on the outside. I wondered if I would find the same scene outside, repeated over and over on every street, in every building, in every town, in every state . . . in all of the world. I felt as if I were the only living person left . . . and then I heard it – the distinct metallic click of a lighter!

I abruptly stood up and began looking around. From where had the sound come? Who else was there? Was I in danger? As I scanned the room hoping to detect movement from one of my frozen friends, nothing happened. As I lifted my head, casting my eyes toward the small balcony hanging above the main floor, I spied a faint reddish glow reflecting off the grayish wall. It reminded me of a cigarette being slowly consumed by a yet-to-be-revealed companion.

“Hello?” I asked. “Is anyone up there?

No one answered but the periodic brightening and dimming of the faint glow told me that someone was there.

I slowly made my way to the stairs at the back of the small bar and began ascending them. I had to see who was up there. I had to . . .

When I arrived at the top of the stairs, four rows of eight chairs – four on each side of a narrow aisle – greeted me. The only light in the small balcony filtered upward from the stage lights below and the consistent brightening and dimming of the reddish glow emanating from the front row, left corner. The shadow that enveloped the balcony kept hidden the “person” smoking what I assumed had to be a cigarette.

I thought at first that I was dreaming or witnessing some sort of illusion. Then I heard it . . . breathing. Slow, steady breathing from a shrouded figure seated in the far chair.

“Hello?” I asked again. “Can you hear me? Hello??

One final brightening of the reddish light and then . . . “I thought you’d never join me. Welcome!” The voice rumbled like far-away thunder. A deep bass that seemed to slide and slither through the semi-darkness of the small balcony.

“Come, sit by me and let’s chat.” I was irresistibly drawn to the light and the voice. I stepped forward into the Shadow . . .

This is the second installment of a story in the making. I hope you’ll continue to follow with interest. In the meantime, I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page to find out more about my books and other short fiction. Thanks!


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