Sometimes, Round Two: Day 34 of 365 – The Obvious and The Absurd!

Sometimes The Obvious Waits Patiently In The Wings While The Absurd Struts Inanely In The Spotlight!

The Absurd tends to receive the most attention in our world! The Absurd sells tickets and music and cars and ideas. It’s that last one that is most troublesome, the ideas that the Absurd peddles.

We can be such sheep at times. The Absurd possesses an appeal that draws us like moths to a flame! It is flashy and sexy and seductive all at once. When the Absurd pitches its ideas, very often it does so with such apparent veracity that otherwise reasonable people behave as mindless drones. They follow the spotlight hoping to benefit from its shining only to find disillusionment in the end.

The Obvious, that which is clear, Sometimes Waits Patiently In The Wings – anticipating its turn. The Obvious – that which is good, bad or indifferent – truly helps people change the story. The Obvious might not be as noisy or alluring or sexy as the Absurd but it is so much more powerful. We must demonstrate the courage to step into the Obvious and allow it to change us so we have the chance to save the world.


Mark E. Hundley



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