Sometimes, Round Two: Day 32 of 365 – The Joy of Giving!

Sometimes The Joy Of Giving, In And Of Itself, Is Enough!

Giving! What a complicated thing we have turned it into! We give to exert influence. We give to receive favor. We give to find blessing. We give to make headlines. We give out of obligation. We give out of guilt. We give for all kinds of reasons but are all of those reasons enough?

I think not because, Sometimes The Joy Of Giving, In And Of Itself, Is Enough!

Finding our way back to this fundamental position proves tricky, however!

Giving from the heart requires that we divest ourselves of all guile; remove all affectation from our motivations; eliminate all expectation of reward in order to find that Joy of Giving!

How do we go about this? Perhaps we could begin by:

  • Offering a hand of assistance.
  • Opening a door for another, just because.
  • Sharing a quiet moment just listening.
  • Extending a hand to one who is down.
  • Making a donation to a cause that matters.
  • Giving a hug to one in need of comfort.
  • Taking care of the meal of the one behind you in line at McDonald’s

These examples are but a few of the many things we can do to get back to that Place of Purity!

Giving carries its own reward. It fills the soul with meaning. It guides the mind to purpose. It restores compassion to the spirit. Sometimes The Joy Of Giving, In And Of Itself, Is Enough! Let us begin doing More!


Mark E. Hundley


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