Sometimes, Round Two: Day 37 of 365 – The Burdens of This World!


Sometimes The Burdens Of This World Are Too Much to Bear Alone!

We all carry worries and cares around with us. We fill our minds, hearts and spirits with concerns about the future. We weigh ourselves down with regrets from our past. We collect hopes in the present as if they are guarantees. And we do all of this in relative isolation. We somehow believe that we possess super human abilities to do all of this by ourselves; however, we cannot!

To be fair, many of life’s burdens are made to be borne alone. We must learn to navigate the challenges of life tapping our personal strength and resiliency. We have to fly solo . . . but not always.

You see,  Sometimes The Burdens Of This World Are Too Much to Bear Alone!

The key? Knowing the difference! We must be able to discern which is which. Knowing when to reach in and when to reach out reveals levels of self-awareness. When we exhibit the courage to ask for help when necessary, we invite others into the world of shared purpose.

We are social creatures and need each other. No need to be the Lone Ranger when we don’t have to.


Mark E. Hundley


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