Sometimes, Round Two! Day One of 365 – This Confusing Life!

Well, if I can do it for one year, why not two?

As many of you may be aware, I undertook a personal challenge one year ago today to write and publish a thought, essay or article every day for the entire year of 2017. I am pleased to report that I completed that challenge yesterday and have extended the challenge for one more year. Yes, I plan to write and publish something here every day for the next 365 days! Crazy? Maybe but I enjoyed the first year so much, I want to continue! So here goes . . .

If you have followed any of my posts over the past year, you know that for the last 100+ days, I have been posting one sentence statements that begin with “Sometimes.” I call it the “Sometimes Series.” This new year, 2018, is dedicated to fleshing out each one-sentence statement and providing commentary. I’m hopeful you will enjoy this approach!

The first has to do with the confusing nature of life.

Sometimes, Life is Confusing . . . Period!

Not always, but sometimes Life becomes a complex, confusing cacophony of sights, sounds, expectations and relationships! Instead of the peaceful existence we so deeply desire, Life shoves us in the corner and throws rocks at us. No matter what we do, what we read or with whom we counsel, Life is Confusing!

When this happens, what options do we have? In which directions can we go? What steps can we take to escape the Confusion?

Perhaps therein lies the problem. All too often when faced with confusion, we become convinced that the confusion must be understood and eliminated. Let’s face it, the state of confusion creates great discomfort. We often feel disconnected, directionless or divided. We convince ourselves that we must extract ourselves from the confusion in order to progress.

What if we were, instead, to sit with our confusion – feel it, ponder it, experience it to our fullest capacity? I wonder what might happen?

You see, when our first reaction is to escape the inherent discomfort of Confusion, we often eliminate important opportunities to grow and learn. Sitting with Confusion – accepting that “Sometimes Life is Confusing . . . Period” very often brings insight and direction not otherwise available to us.

Remember, Life isn’t ALWAYS confusing . . . Just Sometimes! Allow those periodic situations to teach you!


Mark E. Hundley


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