Sometimes, Round Two: Day 31 of 365 – Untested Bias!

Sometimes We Reject Verifiable Truth To Protect Our Untested Bias!

We live in strange times! It seems that whenever people say things with which we do not agree, we cry “Fake!” Often, when news organizations report stories either in print or on air that rub us the wrong way, we cry “Fake!” Frequently when facts emerge that counter our position, ideology or belief system, we cry “Fake!” It happens on both sides of the fence and with those who ride the fence. What is going on?

Aside from all the political mumbo jumbo that bombards us on a daily basis, I believe that something else drives this phenomenon. Untested Bias!

The climate in our country has changed. It seems that no longer do we check our biases. We “let ’em fly” and damn the consequences! Decency, integrity, honesty and forthrightness have taken a back seat to rancor, anger, mean-spiritedness and spite. We sneer and swear. We cajole and shame. We boast and bluster. We plot and scheme. We shun and destroy. All very loving, isn’t it? NOT!

Truth is an odd experience. It demands acceptance or rejection – nothing in-between. Truth can either be personal perspective, which is subject to bias OR verifiable, which supersedes bias. The thing that bothers me most about what is going on now is the way we treat Verifiable Truth. Verifiable truth challenges beliefs, prejudices, incomplete information and bias. It demands to be seen, heard and acted upon. Verifiable truth actually has the power to bring us together . . . however, I fear that under current conditions, it will not.

Bias untested, leads to blindness and therefore potential disaster. We reject verifiable truth in order to protect a comfortable existence governed by myopic beliefs that often are better left alone. Is is fear? Is it apathy? Is it wanton disregard for the lives of others?

Verifiable truth frees us. Untested bias binds us. Which will you choose?


Mark E. Hundley


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