Sometimes, Round Two: Day 28 of 365 – The Stealth of Deceit!

Sometimes The Stealth Of Deceit Blinds Even The One Who Deceives!

Oh how sneaky we can be at times! Often, we relish the belief that we have put one over one someone else. We have pulled the wool over their eyes. We have fooled them! We have deceived on purpose and we have won . . . or HAVE we?

A certain amount of stealth accompanies deceit. We think,envision, plan, prepare . . . and then we initiate the deceitful deed or statement. We become so convinced of the cleverness of our deceit that we fail to realize our entrapment in it. We fall victim to the blindness that accompanies the use of stealth to deceive.

When this occurs, we are often the first to fall for our own lie. We become blind to the obvious. We convince ourselves that we are invulnerable. Trust me . . . we are not!

The next time you find yourself entertaining the temptation of using stealth to deceive, remember that blindness is the most likely outcome. Choose honesty, forthrightness and transparency instead! You’ll be glad you did!


Mark E. Hundley


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