Sometimes, Round Two – Day 27 of 365: That Which Is Hidden!

Sometimes We Must Reveal That Which Is Hidden In Order to Free Ourselves From The Burden Of Its Hiding!

Secrets damage more in our world than perhaps anything else. I know that you might challenge this notion and in some cases, you could likely present a strong defense of your position. However, in the long run, I believe I could counter those arguments with evidence that Secrets probably led to whatever human catastrophe to which you refer.

The insidious power of secrets has brought down kingdoms, caused wars, swindled people out of life savings, torn families apart and destroyed perfectly functioning human beings.

Secrets weigh on the mind, body and spirit. Secrets cause us to lose sleep, become hyper vigilant, create feelings of anxiety and dull our sensitivity. When individuals keep secrets, they affect more than just themselves. If secrets only affected the person hiding them, perhaps the damage would  be minimal, but that is not the case. Guarded secrets infect relationships. They eat away at trust. They diminish credibility. And even worse than those things, they often ruin the lives of others.

Coming clean, owning up, revealing the truth, accepting responsibility free the Secret Bearer from unwanted and unintended self and other destruction. The courage required of one who chooses to reveal that which is hidden escapes measurement. The freedom experienced as a a result is often indescribable.

When we hide Secrets, the encumbrance pulls us down into places where despair, defeat and depression dwell. Such is the burden of Hiding.

When we choose to reveal that which is hidden, we free ourselves to explore worlds where honesty, compassion, community and possibility live.

We all have secrets – some more damaging that others. Finding ways to reveal those “hidden things” appropriately can do more for us, those we love and those with whom we work than imaginable.

So . . . today . . . right now . . . what secret are you harboring? What might happen if you were to “courage up” and relieve yourself of the burden by bringing it to light? I cannot guarantee that all of the consequences will be positive; however, I can guarantee that you will free yourself from the burden of hiding.

Remember, Sometimes We Must Reveal That Which Is Hidden In Order to Free Ourselves From The Burden Of Its Hiding!


Mark E. Hundley


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