Sometimes, Round Two: Day 21 of 365 – All That’s Necessary!

Sometimes All That’s Necessary Is A Gentle Touch, A Caring Smile, A Warm Embrace!

Human suffering fills our world. Every newscast presents examples of the struggles encountered by people on a daily basis. Pain abounds. None of us are immune.

Helping one another out. Working to be supportive. Seeking to provide comfort and answers. Those are all things that we do to assist and help our fellow travelers on this Rock. And that is as it should be – people helping people. As simple that that sounds, we sometimes find ways to make helping more complicated than it needs to be. Sometimes our efforts actually get in the way of the help intended.

Going too far; assuming that we know when we may not; saying too much; doing the wrong thing; refusing to listen when the injured speak; highlighting our actions over the needs of the afflicted. These and more are things that get in the way of the intended supportive intervention.

What are we to do then? Keep it simple and from the heart. The Reality is that Sometimes All That’s Necessary Is A Gentle Touch, A Caring Smile, A Warm Embrace!

When all is said and done sometimes the simplest expressions of love and compassion are enough. You see, human closeness and contact often communicate far more than any complicated action we take. Being there; holding a hand; giving a hug; staying through the tears; offering a shoulder. These simple actions touch the heart like nothing else can.

Remember, providing help and support takes the courage of your presence!


Mark E. Hundley


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