Sometimes, Round Two: Day 15 of 365 – The Hope That Gets Us Through!

Sometimes Hope Is All That Matters… It’s All That Gets Us Through!

 How do you respond to disappointment? Likely, there is an initial reaction before you are able to move to a more responsive position. Reactions such as frustration, anger, feelings of sadness or depression, confusion and even disbelief often abound. Many times, these feelings can also serve as the impetus to get us through a particular disappointment – as long as the disappointments we face come in manageable amounts. That’s the nature of moving from the reactionary to the responsive.

What happens when disappointments build up – when they come more frequently than successes? What happens when the disappointments build to the point that it seems disappointment is all we experience? What happens when our reactions to those disappointments short-circuit our ability to shift into Response mode? What can we do to get through?

I know we’ve all been there at some point in our lives. We’ve all felt as if the world were ganging up on us. What gets us through when we find ourselves unable to respond to life’s challenges and are stuck in reaction mode?

Hope! Sometimes Hope Is All That Matters… It’s All That Gets Us Through!

  • Hope serves as a good night’s sleep after days of insomnia.
  • Hope becomes the fuel that pushes our dreams into motion again.
  • Hope fills the heart with positive intent.
  • Hope refreshes the mind.
  • Hope renews the spirit.
  • Hope nourishes the soul.
  • Hope clarifies our world!
  • Hope… It’s All That Matters… It’s All That Gets Us Through!

The next time you find disappointment flooding your life, remember that Hope is the one stable force upon which to build a foundation for Responding to the Disappointments of life. Embrace it! Employ it! Enjoy . . . it!


Mark E. Hundley


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