Sometimes, Round Two: Day 14 of 365 – The Precipice of Pain!

Sometimes Pain Pushes Us Perilously Close To The Precipice… But Grace Pulls Us Back!

Pain is a part of life. In fact, sometimes pain is the evidence of life. Whenever we experience pain of any kind – mental, emotional, relational. physical or spiritual – it reminds us that we are active in this thing called living. Pain alerts us to many things. It tells us when we are ill and need to go to the doctor. It lets us know when we have sprained, twisted or broken something in our body. It tells us when someone has slighted us or put us down. Pain lets us know when some part of our body, mind, spirit or life needs attention.

Learning to deal with pain is part and parcel of living. Sometimes the pain we experience begins to build up. It pushes and pushes on us until we feel that we are unable to take anymore. Sometimes our vision blurs and obscures our ability to see any positive in life. If we are not careful, we begin to see only the things in life that cause pain. Further, we often start to believe that pain is all we see or will see in the future. When that happens, we find ourselves pushed perilously close to the Precipice.

Many if not most of us have found ourselves on the edge – the edge of despair, the edge of hopelessness, the edge of darkness. Perhaps we have all entertained the possibility of letting go and giving into the pain. Some have and in the wake of that decision, leave a river of pain the depth of which no words can plumb. Most of us do not give in to the Pain that pushes us to the Precipice. Most of us find a path back from the edge. We hold on to hope. We allow ourselves to be the recipients of Grace!

The origins of Grace can be external (from other people) internal (from personal strengths) or Spiritual (from a firmly held belief system). The hero is Grace – from any source. Grace! The key to walking away from the Precipice of Pain is to wait for, look for, receive or dispense Grace! Sometimes Pain Pushes Us Perilously Close To The Precipice… But Grace Pulls Us Back! We just have to be open to its appearance.


Mark E. Hundley


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