Sometimes, Round Two: Day 12 of 365 – Hurt People!

Sometimes Hurt People, Hurt People – And Sometimes, Hurt People Can Be Healed!

This will be a short one. Hurt and pain are a part of life . . . period! Often, hurt and pain come as a result of natural disasters. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, volcanic eruptions! The human suffering caused by these natural disasters is almost immeasurable. As horrific as these tragedies are, perhaps the most egregious pain is visited upon human beings by other human beings.

Human beings hurt other human beings every single day. Sometimes groups of human beings hurt other groups of human beings in riots and protests and wars. Sometimes the hurt comes in the form of verbal, mental, spiritual or emotional attacks by one human on another. Sometimes Hurt People, HURT People.

We are all damaged in one way or another. That comes as a result of simply living life. When we internalize our hurt in places that alter and affect our perceptions, will and actions we tend to strike out and hurt others. That is not only sad it is inexcusable.

I fear that we have become so accustomed to the violence that we have become immune to the horror of it. We have come to accept that Sometimes Hurt People, HURT People and that sometimes WE are those People!

The second part of this statement deserves much more time, focus and energy. You see, Sometimes Hurt People Can Be Healed! In order for the pain and suffering delivered from one human to another to end, we must focus on healing the pain within. Then and only then can we truly act from a platform of benevolence and love.

Yes, Sometimes Hurt People HURT People – that is a fact! Yet the second part of this statement is equally factual – Sometimes Hurt People Can Be Healed! Let’s get about the business of healing ourselves first so we can stop hurting others!


Mark E. Hundley



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