Day Two Hundred Forty-Three of 365 – Cowboy Code of Ethics: Live Courageously!

I love to read Codes by which groups of people order their lives! I find fascination in discovering what makes people tick! I frequently discover ways to challenge my own thinking and actions when I read and contemplate these various codes.

Today marks the beginning another series of posts based on a particular Code. For the next ten posts, I will briefly explore the “Cowboy Code of Ethics.” If you are interested in reading more about the Code or the organization that promotes programs founded on this Code, please visit the The Center for Cowboy Ethics and Leadership

I fancy myself as a sort of Texas Cowboy. Not the kind who rides horses, herds cattle or mends fences (although I believe that if given the chance, I certainly would), but the kind that identifies with the values inherent in the hard-working breed that helped tame the West. Every time I wear my boots and jeans, don my Cowboy hat or look out over the amazing vistas of land in West Texas and New Mexico, a certain kinship with the land and its history stirs my spirit. I find myself naturally drawn to the Cowboy Code of Ethics.

The very first of this particular code is simple and to the point. It says, “Live each day with courage.” See? I told you it was simple – simply profound!

Courage may be characterized in many ways. Courageous people walk through life every day and more often than not, are completely unaware of the courage they possess or demonstrate. I admire people of courage. I am inspired by people of courage. I am humbled by people of courage.

Courageous people come from every walk of life. They are found residing in all colors of skin. They hail from all religious beliefs. They dwell in every country on earth. Courageous people are the catalyst for positive change in our world.

Courageous people:

  • Complain little
  • Stand for
  • Speak out
  • Give generously
  • Listen intently
  • Respond appropriately
  • Walk circumspectly

Courageous people are:

  • Inclusive
  • Forgiving
  • Loving
  • Empahic
  • Positive
  • Wise
  • Bold
  • Optimistic

Courageous people know that, as Albert Einstein said, “What’s right isn’t always popular and what’s popular isn’t always right.” And more importantly, Courageous people live this adage, seeking to do, be and live the Right thing for all involved.

So, on this first look at the Cowboy Code of Ethics, I encourage you to “Live each day with Courage!” You’ll be glad you did and so will those around you!


Mark E. Hundley


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