Day Two Hundred Forty-Six of 365 – The Cowboy Code of Ethics – What Has To Be!

The Tyranny of that Urgent! We’ve all faced it! We’ve all succumbed to it at times! It’s a creepy little monster that dominates our time and energy. It pushes all of our tasks to the front of the line making them appear to be of equal importance, of equal priority.

What makes this little guy so powerful? I have an idea that the reason falls squarely on our shoulders. I believe the reason is that we sometimes allow the things that have to be done (those mundane, boring, time consuming things) build up due to procrastination. Then they all become of utmost importance! They demand our time and attention.

What is the cure? Well, the Cowboy Code of Ethics holds the key. It says that we must “Do what has to be done.”

There you have it! Do the things that must be done before you allow them to pile up! Get the mundane out of the way first! Complete the boring tasks before tackling exciting things! Once you do those things, you will have freed yourself to pursue the weightier matters.

Do what has to be done, then do what you want! Pursue your dreams. Set your goals. Make a difference. Period!


Mark E. Hundley


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