Day Two Hundred Forty-Seven of 365 – The Cowboy Code of Ethics: TBF!

Most things in life worth pursuing carry a sense of Balance. One side without the other creates disharmony. Give and take are necessary for shared responsibility. Knowing when to step up and when to step back make compromise possible.

The problem with establishing and maintaining balance is that it is easier to focus on just one side of the equation rather than the whole. When this happens there is a tendency to operate in a lopsided manner.

The Cowboy Code of Ethics says that we must learn to “Be tough but fair.” 

If we focus just on the tough side of an issue we run the risk of becoming harsh, rude, insensitive, mean-spirited, bullying, forceful and rigid. Not much hope of flexibility.

If we focus just on the fair side of an issue we run the risk of becoming inconsistent, easily swayed, vague, overly-flexible, weak and rudderless. Not much hope for clarity.

Toughness balanced by fairness creates authoritative perspectives. It allows us to establish clear and effective boundaries. Fairness balanced by toughness allows us to create a sense of equity.

Balance opens the door for collaboration. In our day and time we could certainly use much more of that!


Mark E. Hundley


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