Day Two Hundred Forty-Eight of 365 – The Cowboy Code of Ethics: Keeping Promises!

Who do you trust? How can you know that a person is trustworthy? What does it take to win you over? Perhaps the person who keeps promises will do the trick!

You would think that keeping promises is as natural as breathing. You would think that keeping promises is an easy proposition. It’s not as easy as you think.

All kinds of challenges cause us to renig on our promises.

  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of not fitting in
  • Fear of being misunderstood
  • Fear of being taken for granted
  • Fear of being ignored
  • Fear of being used
  • Fear . . . just plain fear!

The Cowboy Code of Ethics addresses these fears when it delivers a simple command, “When you make a promise, keep it!”

There you have it. Be a person of your word, period.

The Christian Scripture says something similar when it says, “Let your Yes, be yes and your No be no.”

Want to be trusted by others? Want to find honor in the sight of others? Want to influence others for the good? Then Keep Your Promises!

Keeping Promises,

  • Opens doors
  • Eases minds
  • Creates security
  • Establishes credibility
  • Fosters trust
  • Encourages integrity
  • Connects people

Remember. “When you make a promise, keep it!” The world depends on it!


Mark E. Hundley


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