Day Two Hundred Fifty-Three of 365 – Be A Willow!

Life is filled with surprises. Some are good while others are not. I’ve often said that there are only three guarantees in life – death, taxes and change. All of these are inescapable! If this is so, how then shall we live?

Over twenty-eight years ago, my therapist said to me, “Mark, be a willow. Only the flexible survive!”

That simple statement became my personal mantra on the day he shared it with me. It created a vision of strength in adversity, innovation in crisis and flexibility in chaos. Willows go with the flow and bend with the wind. Willows survive when other trees don’t.

We never know when disaster will descend, lightning will strike or the dam will break.

One thing we do know is that the flexible survive. They adapt and adjust. They make it through. They remain standing when others don’t. They just do!

So when adversity takes aim at your life, “Be a Willow! Only the flexible survive!”


Mark E. Hundley



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