Day Two Hundred Fifty-One of 365 – The Cowboy Code of Ethics: Not For Sale!

No fanfare or prolonged intro for this post. The ninth of ten parts of The Cowboy Code of Ethics speaks volumes on its own merit. Very clearly written, it says, “Remember that some things aren’t for sale.

We can buy just about anything online today. The popularity of shopping without leaving the comfort of our homes, or our jammies for that matter, is so easy. Just about everything is for sale. But there are some things that shouldn’t be…

I know you’ve heard the saying, “Everyone has a price.” Perhaps this is true and perhaps not.  The point is that there are some things that are not for sale – at least they should not be. Unfortunately, some things that should be off limits find themselves on the market more often than they should. What are some of those things? Here they are:

  • Influence
  • Favors
  • Pardons
  • Political office
  • People
  • Endorsements
  • Victories
  • Inside information
  • Trade secrets
  • Honor
  • Integrity

Get the picture? These are things that should NOT be for sale. The sad part is that they are. And whenever a transaction for one of these is completed, the foundation of our individual character, our families, our institutions, our communities, our country is weakened.

We must work to stop this. We must “Remember that some things aren’t for sale.” Period!


Mark E. Hundley


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