Day Two Hundred Twenty-Seven of 365 – The Lakota Code of Ethics: Not Yours!

Don’t! Never! Ever! Please!

To what do I refer? Why, taking things that are not yours to take! That’s what! Now on the surface you might say something like,  “Wait a minute, Mark! I would never steal anything . . . ever! I promise! I would never steal anything from anyone for any reason! What are you thinking, Mark?”

I’m glad you asked! I believe that the Lakota had a somewhat better grip on human nature than we do sometimes. You see, we take things from others all the time. More often than not, we barely, if at all, realize that we have taken anything from anyone! When we do, we very often minimize our infraction or label it as something other than what it is . . . theft!

The Lakota Code of Ethics puts it this way: “Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.”

What are some of the things we take that are not ours? Well, we take:

  • Ideas that are not ours.
  • Credit for things we never did!
  • The spotlight away from one way more deserving than we.
  • Credit for something we never attempted.
  • Trees from forests.
  • The joy of victory.
  • Food from those who need it more.
  • Love from someone without the thought of loving in return.
  • Precious time from important projects.
  • Hope for a brighter future.
  • Healing from one who is hurting.
  • Laughter in need of a lighter heart.
  • Freedom to pursue a personal destiny.
  • The feelings of dignity and respect.

Do you see what I mean? We take things from individuals, communities, nature or major groups that are not ours to take . . . period!

If we were to really take this particular Lakota Code to heart, we just might find ourselves giving more that we take. And that can’t be all bad!


Mark E. Hundley


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