Day Two Hundred Twenty-One of 365 – Things That Make Me Stop: Life Stuff . . .

Let’s face it, life is busy! It matters not what one does for a job or a career, life is busy! Regardless of your age or life stage, life is busy! Regardless of your education or income level, life is busy! Regardless of where you live, life is busy! About the only way we can escape the busyness of life is to be cut off from civilization and even then, we might find ourselves busy working to survive! Oh and one other way we can escape the tyranny of busyness . . . we can cease to exist, but that’s an option I prefer to avoid for quite some time.

I was about to stop right there, content with the knowledge that I had done my best telling you about the busyness of life and then it hit me, I had left something out. I forgot to mention what things cause me to stop in my tracks. To stop my busyness . . .

Life Stuff! That’s what makes me stop the madness of busyness, Life Stuff! What do I mean?

The following Life Stuff makes me stop the busyness:

  • The infectious laughter of a child.
  • The grandeur of a rainbow.
  • The perfect blending of voices in acapella singing.
  • A siren in the distance.
  • A funeral procession.
  • A hug from a child.
  • A request from my spouse.
  • A captivating sunrise or sunset.
  • A good book.
  • A call from a friend.
  • The fatigue after a long day.

Many, many things make me stop and every time they do, I’m grateful. I’m grateful because when I am stopped, I am reminded that there are more important things than busyness . . . Life Stuff!

I hope you have a chance to experience some of your OWN Life Stuff today! When given the chance, choose to enjoy!


Mark E. Hundley


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