Day Two Hundred Twenty-Five of 365 – The Lakota Code of Ethics: Search for Yourself!

Day Two Hundred Twenty-Five of my 365 day personal writing journey finds me analyzing number thee of the Lakota Code of Ethics. Twenty powerful nuggets of wisdom that pack a real punch! Twenty powerful nuggets of wisdom that point the way to more purposeful living. Twenty powerful nuggets of wisdom that if implemented, can turn the world around.

Number three focuses on the Search for Self!

It says, “Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” 

Let’s break this down for closer inspection:

  • Search for yourself, by yourself. The search for self is best accomplished alone. As much as we need other people and live out our purpose in community, the search for self is a lone, solitary venture. The crucible of community provides the testing ground for our self discoveries; however, the journey is ours.
  • Do not allow others to make your path for you. All to often, we allow others to define our values, beliefs and actions. We invite them to determine the paths we will walk. We stand by and defer to their voice. We willingly decline to take responsibility for our intended destinations! The Lakota understand the danger in allowing others to direct the paths we walk. They understand that when we give over the reigns of our life to others, we very often walk the path of destruction.
  • It is your road and yours alone. We each have a road to to walk – a road filled with self-discovery, self-growth and self-determination. We chart it, pave it, maintain it and travel it. Others travel parallel roads and routinely cross paths with us or briefly merge with us; however, ultimately, the road we walk is ours and ours alone. When we embrace this reality, life takes on new meaning, reveals more purpose and produces more peace!
  • Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Taking a journey with a companion can be exciting and exhilarating! Companionship on our journey divides the challenges and multiplies the joys! As much as we have people interested in our success and willing to walk with us, only we can walk it for ourselves. Therein lies the power of the Search for Self!

Peace . . . and Happy Searching!

Mark E. Hundley


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