Day Two Hundred Thirty-Six of 365 – The Lakota Code of Ethics: The Test of One’s Will!

When thinking about the test of one’s will, many things come to mind. I think of delayed gratification or running a marathon or completing a graduate degree. I think of pushing through a grueling hike. I think of avoiding giving in to peer pressure. I think of refusing to give up on a dream. What I DON’T typically think of is Honesty being a test of one’s will.

Although I would not think of Honesty as a Test of One’s Will, the Lakota do. In their Code of Ethics they say, “Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.” 

It’s strange to think truthfulness and honesty as tests of one’s will. We have heard to adage, “Honesty is the best policy.” As much as we might say this, I often wonder how much we really live it. Is honesty really the best policy? Look around you right now. How many people that should share openly and honestly fail to do so? How many religious leaders, politicians, business leaders, educators, athletes, parents, students, children, spouses, friends, relatives . . . well, how often do we all choose dishonesty when honesty would really be the best policy in the end?

How often do we or those in positions of leadership choose to hide the truth, call the truth a lie, cast doubt on honesty or pretend to forget in order to avoid the spotlight of truth? Remember the line from the movie, A Few Good Men? Yep, that’s right: “You can’t handle the truth!” Seriously? SERIOUSLY? We can’t handle the truth???

Personally, I can handle the truth a whole lot easier than being lied to. I can handle the truth even when it creates discomfort. I can handle the truth when humiliation is the outcome. I . . . CAN . . . HANDLE . . . THE . . . TRUTH! Period!

Living truthfully, honestly is simply a test of my will – a test of YOUR will! For the Lakota, living any other way is unthinkable, untenable! The Lakota say, “Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.”

I don’t know about you but I’m willing to take the challenge inherent in this part of the Code! Even when telling the truth and living honestly becomes uncomfortable, I’m willing. I have a feeling that if each of us were to increase our commitment to personal honesty, even one little notch, the world world would begin to change in ways we can’t even imagine.


Mark E. Hundley


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