Day Two Hundred Seventeen – Things That Make Me Think: The Ways of God

Now before you get all excited, take a Deep Breath and Relax . . . I’m probably not going to write what you might think I’m going to write. When have I ever? You see, in today’s world – especially in the good old US of A – it seems that many have forgotten what constitute “The Ways of God.”

If an alien from another planet visited our country today and asked us, “What are the Ways of God?” I fear that our displaced visitor might come away with a rather skewed perspective. I believe that he/she might fly off with some of the following impressions. We might say, “The Ways of God are:”

  • Building mega structures where people can do all kinds of things . . . maybe even worship
  • Separating people who believe, act, dress, look or live differently from one another
  • Erecting emotional, relational and spiritual walls that keep others out
  • Turning a blind eye to bigotry, hatred and prejudice
  • Destroying the desire to give, help or share
  • Calling bad, good and good, bad
  • Elevating self above those who are less fortunate

I could go on but I won’t. Now, I’m not saying that all lovers of God (from whatever religious base you come) act in the ways listed above. I would be wrong to do that. There are many who truly understand The Ways of God and live in such a manner that others find peace, comfort and sanctuary in their presence. There are, however, a significant number of those who proclaim to love God who act in the ways listed above. That is sad at least and maddening at most!

So Mark, What ARE the Ways of God? I could quote from the Scripture; however, that is what many use to justify their Holy inconsistent behaviors, so I will look elsewhere . . .

Very simply put, the Sauk (Native American tribe) had a proverb that sums up the Ways of God very clearly. It goes like this: “Sharing and giving are the ways of God.” See? What did I tell you? Simple. Plain. Clear. Humbling.

I wonder what might happen if we began to live the Ways of God as defined by the Sauk? I wonder. Honestly, I’m not optimistic . . . but I do wonder.


Mark E. Hundley



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