Day Two Hundred Fifteen of 365 – Things That Make Me Think: Two Lists and a Rule

As you may have noticed from recent posts, I have found inspiration from Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of VISA. His take on leadership flies in the face of convention and challenges those who would lead to think differently before acting. Traditional leadership models tout hierarchy and authority and power as the operative words by which to lead people and organizations. Dee Hock takes a different approach. He orchestrates leadership from a position of relative equality. equanimity and mutual respect.

The most recent set of quotes that make me think are similar to the Golden Rule. You know how that goes: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is an extremely strong statement; however, over time it seems to have lost some of its impact. We quote it easily and live it rarely (well, a large number of us live it rarely). The Golden Rule is a foundation upon which to build strong relationships, strong organizations, strong countries. Perhaps a fresh set of words can jump start the power of the Golden Rule. I give to you the Two Lists from Dee Hock!

The first quote from Dee Hock is this: “Make a careful list of all things done to you that you abhorred. Don’t do them to others, ever.” Now this is the part of “The Golden Rule” often overlooked. This is the part that is subtle, unseen, stealthy. It is the part that is supposed to be understood without highlight. It is the part that is assumed to be obvious. DO NOT treat others with contempt or hatred or disdain or prejudice! This is obvious, right? Well, perhaps not. Look around you. How often do the headlines shout events in which people treat others in the ways listed and more? More often than I care to acknowledge.

Mr. Hock suggested a little exercise. Make a list – a careful list of all abhorrent things ever done to you. Think about those things. Reflect on how they made you feel. Pretty depressing and maddening, isn’t it? His advice after creating the list? Determine to NEVER do those things to others . . . EVER! That is clear enough, don’t you think?

The second quote from Dee Hock is this: “Make another list of things done for you that you loved. Do them for others, always.” This is the part of the Golden Rule to which we aspire and encourage others to replicate. Doing good things to others – things that are done to us, given to us that we love! These are the things that we should give freely to others! We are to treat other people in ways that we desire to be treated. We are to treat others with compassion, dignity, respect, empathy, encouragement. There are too few of us who practice this lifestyle routinely in our lives. We need more of this!

Mr. Hock suggested another exercise to follow the first. Make yet another list of good things done to you. Think about those things. Reflect on how they made you feel. Pretty invigorating, huh? His advice after creating the list? ALWAYS treat people in those ways . . . Always!

Two lists and a Rule! Simple . . . and yet so very difficult to do. I believe that everyone one of us on this planet has the ability to live the Golden Rule, we just need some practical incentive. Perhaps Mr. Hock’s Two Lists can help us make this a reality!


Mark E. Hundley


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