Day Two Hundred Five of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Integrity

All day long today I have fought the inclination to write about this subject. All day long, my efforts have failed me. I now find myself compelled to write briefly about integrity.

Perhaps the primary reason I have struggled against writing about it is that I see so little of it displayed from so many “important” people – people who stand in leadership positions. So many have relegated integrity to the back seat of the bus. Integrity has become almost arcane.

Integrity is basically defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” This definition strongly implies adherence to a set of moral principles that supersede popular opinion or whim or fancy. It means that we must live above the “game” of life – the game that demands we change masks to fit the moment.

The late Steven Covey said, “The key to acting with integrity is to simply stop playing the game” This is easier said that done. We have become so adept at playing the game – saying what needs to be said in order to get done what we want done, regardless of the outcome or consequences for others. Living with a lack of integrity is the ultimate ego trip! Living with a lack of integrity comes from being completely self absorbed. Living with a lack of integrity is the game we refuse to stop playing.

Too many of our leaders have either forgotten or have never known the meaning of integrity and demonstrate this lack of understanding in everything they say and do.

I encourage you to conduct research on integrity on your own. You don’t need me to define it for you. Once you have settled on a definition, I challenge you to evaluate those you trust to guide your thinking, believing and acting. How much integrity do they demonstrate in their own lives? If you find that they live with integrity, follow them. If not, have the courage to step out of line and align yourself with people of integrity. You’ll be better off for it and so will those with whom you interact.

Integrity! Know it! Live it!


Mark E. Hundley


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