Day Two Hundred of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: What We Gotta Do!

Right off the bat when I write, “When We Gotta Do,” my grammar is incorrect; however, saying what I want to say in grammatically correct construction diminishes the power of the message. That being the case, I choose to be incorrect!

Here is the full message to which I allude in the title of this offering: “When We Gotta Do What We Gotta Do, We Do It!”

Life is full of things that “We Gotta Do!” Many of those things are mundane and boring but . . . We Gotta Do them! Others of those things are scary but . . . We Gotta Do Them! Some of those things are challenging but . . . We Gotta Do Them! Still others of those things create discomfort but . . . We Gotta Do Them! And, to be fair, some of those things are quite pleasurable and fulfilling and . . . We Gotta Do Them!

What are examples of things that We Gotta Do? Here are a few:

  • Live until we die
  • Die when life’s over
  • Breathe
  • Interact
  • Think
  • Believe
  • Give
  • Receive
  • Learn
  • Love
  • Hate
  • Plant seeds (in all areas of life)
  • Harvest
  • Consume
  • Preserve
  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Hold on to
  • Let go of

The list could go on forever. Like the Robert Earl Keen song says, “The Road goes on forever and the party never ends!” Such is the way of life.

Now, when What We Gotta Do becomes tedious or cumbersome or perplexing, we might be tempted to quit or ignore or pass on to another; however, in doing so we likely remove ourselves from opportunities to learn and grow.

What We Gotta Do will be with us for as long as we live. We can waste time, effort and energy seeking to avoid What We Gotta Do, but what’s the point? After all, “When We Gotta Do What We Gotta Do” the best approach is to “Do It!” Plain, Simple, to the Point! We simply DO IT!

Happy Doing!


Mark E. Hundley


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