Day One Hundred Ninety-Seven of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: More Action!

Talk vs Action!

Back in 1993, Toby Keith recorded a song entitled, “A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action.” It’s a fun, funny and catchy tune that is easy to sing along with. Now if you know the song, you know the kind of action that is implied in the lyrics. The kind of Action to which I refer today is not the same kind of action in Toby’s song. It’s a different kind so . . . read on!

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words!” My guess is that we’ve heard it so often that it has lost some of its power! I fear that it has become just one more cliche’ that we throw around to drive home a point about the failings of another person.

The late Stephen Covey said it another way – a way that took up residence in my soul in the late 1980’s when I first read it in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People. His rendition is, “You can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into!”

Now THAT is powerful! How often do we – you and I – seek to talk our way out of, around, over, under or through a problem that we have behaved our way into? We slither and slide our way around a problem seeking mercy, grace, another chance, a way of escape, a deflection of responsibility or a way to shift focus.

But . . . we can’t “talk our way out of a problem we have behaved our way into.”

What’s the solution? We must BEHAVE our way out of the problem we have behaved our way into! More difficult to say the least! Much more effective however! Less Talk, More Action! Makes sense, don’t you agree?

I invite you to join me in “A Little Less Talk and a lot more action” as we move to make positive changes in our lives and the world!


Mark E. Hundley


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