Day One Hundred Ninety-One of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Listening!

Listening, really listening, is an art. Relatively few people know how to listen well. We hear quite regularly; however, listening is another story. I believe that if we were to develop our capacity to listen, many if not all of our shared problems could be solved.

Carl Rogers once said, “We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know.” Carl Rogers, the father of Person Centered Therapy, understood the power of listening. In fact, he bet his life’s work on the notion that purposeful listening can create lasting change in people’s lives.

In the late 1960’s, John Drakeford wrote a wonderful book entitled “The Awesome Power of the Listening Ear.” Drakeford also understood how focused listening can create change for the better. He encouraged and taught people to listen effectively. If you haven’t read his book, you simply must!

Purposeful, powerful listening demands that we listen with our ears, our eyes and our intuition. It requires us to pay attention to what is said and what is NOT said. It is defined by how others feel after we have bestowed this gift. We must listen “between the lines” of the obvious. We must filter out the chatter and zero in on that which is pivotal.

Listening invites connections. It encourages healing. It creates meaning. It validates perspectives. It opens doors. It makes loving, real.

Listening can make all the difference. I invite your comments. I’m here and I’m listening…


Mark E. Hundley


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