Day One Hundred Ninety-Nine of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Circumspection

Many of us walk through life with a sign around our necks that says something like, “Tell me anything, show me anything and I’ll believe you! After all, I’m gullible!” We are easy marks from time to time. Remember the State Farm commercial where the young woman says that everything on the Internet is true? Yep! Some of us just fall for it!

A wise mentor of mine once said, “Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see!” Perhaps we need these words more now than ever.

With technology what it is today, coupled with our ability to manipulate sound, visual and printed media, the lines between fact and fantasy create an often convoluted perspective of life, love, politics, relationships, people, communication… Reality!

Avoid allowing others to unduly influence and shape your opinions. Do your homework. Ask questions. Listsen carefully to the answers. Observe behaviors. Evaluate the source. Avoid judgement and condemnation. Seek peace and understanding. Stand for something/someone rather than against. Recognize that yours is only one perspective/opinion… One of many! Filter the unknown through the known. And… Breathe people!

The word is Circumspection – the ability to walk through life paying attention to people and circumstances. It is the ability to look around and see through what appears obvious. It is the ability to exercise healthy skepticism. It is the quality that can help us create a more generous and compassionate world.

Circumspection . . . Let’s do this!


Mark E. Hundley


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