Day One Hundred Ninety of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Honesty!

We live in a society that I fear is on the verge of losing sight of that which is most important. Now, depending on your religious, political, ideological, cultural or educational biases, you probably already have a word or concept that you believe fits this bill. That which is most important could be many things. For my purposes here, I choose to focus on Honesty as that which is most important.

Noel Coward said, “It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.” Stop and think about that statement. It indicates that the practice of honesty is so uncommon that when it is delivered, people are shocked! They are shocked! Do you agree?

Mr. Coward’s quote further states that deceit receives hardly the lift of an incredulous eyebrow. It is sad when what we come to expect from those who would lead us is that which tears at the fabric of trust and decency. The practice of deceit has become so commonplace that we expect it. The practice of deceit is so routine that we assume it is the rule rather than the exception.  We feel the freedom to create our own facts based on insinuation and innuendo and claim honesty. How abysmally deceitful can we be?

Bring one ounce of honesty into play and watch what happens. I can almost guarantee skepticism as the initial reaction. Honesty has become so alien that we often shy away in response. And yet . . . Honesty inspires me.

What about Honesty creates inspiration? Here are are a few. Honesty will:

  • Build foundations for trust
  • Create an atmosphere of cooperation
  • Tear down walls of hate
  • Open doors to meaningful communication
  • Extend Grace to the downtrodden
  • Offer Hope to those who have none
  • Clarify challenges that must be addressed

I could go on, but I won’t. Honesty and Courage go hand-in-hand. Those who  hide behind the Cowardice of Deceit will ultimately fail to win as long as there those willing to demonstrate the Courage of Honesty.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Honesty is the best policy.” And . . . it is!


Mark E. Hundley


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